Drone Training – Let’s Fly Session

Published by rmosesbvb on

Hi Everyone,

I’m guessing a number of people in Ponty may have been lucky enough to recieve a Drone from Santa this year. A couple of locals have asked me if I could set up a session for them to cover the basics to avoid the inevitable New Year crashes… so here it is! 😎

We’ll go through a practical lesson covering the basics of safety and control and I’ll happily field any questions you may have along the way.

Obviously, with the latest news on lockdown, the next course is pending an improvement in the COVID situation, but please register your interest with me by email, web, facebook or telephone and I’ll let you know as soon as the next course date is locked in.

I’m based in Trebanos and looking forward to meeting you in the skies as soon as it’s safe to do so!

All the best and Happy New Year,


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